Teach Your Kids Personal Finance
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want the best for their kids. I just don’t. Do you?
And I’m not talking about the nicest clothes, the brand name shoes, the latest iPhone, and the haircut with a fade. I mean, that kid probably looks sick af, but let’s be honest…we’d rather have kids who are financially savvy with healthy mindsets around money, than kids who look too cool for school.
Sure, we wish personal finance was taught to our kids in school. But it isn’t. That makes it your (parents) responsibility to teach your kids.
BuT I dOn’T hAvE TiMe! I get it, being a parent is a job in itself and then you have your career and the lawn to mow. And now you have to teach your kids personal finance?
No. You don’t. Because I will.
I’ve created a course called Money University™: What We Should Have Learned in School.
This course will give your kids the working knowledge of money. And since money is essential in navigating life, this course is essential for your kids.
Not convinced yet? That’s ok.
Here’s everything your child will learn in Money University™.
Money basics (budgeting, saving, investing)
How to obtain great credit & how it can change your future
How to use budgeting as a tool
How to minimize & avoid student debt
How to earn scholarships for college & trade school
The basics of the stock market
How to get started investing
How to maximize your paycheck
How to navigate college (college planning, student loans, saving hacks)
How to earn extra money during school through side hustles
The psychology behind money - what the gurus don't tell you
There are eight Modules in the course. Well okay, actually there’s nine.
There’s one FREE Module specifically for parents. This Module will teach you how to have money conversations with your kids as well as how to invest for them.
Only 23% of parents talk to their kids about money. Ouch. Nearly the second I read this statistic I said, “say no more,” and I began outlining this course. I’ve worked on it ever since that day. And I’m proud to have created something that will take a load off your shoulders.
Something that you can gift your children and it will quite literally be the gift that keeps on giving.
Think about it. How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish I learned this in school,” while you’re scrolling through my Instagram?
Probably a lot. Because I get a $hit ton of DMs with people telling me that every. single. day.
Now, I’m sure you are an All Star Parent. The Cream of the Crop.
What I’m also sure of, is that your kids will wish they learned about money in school. Maybe not now. I’m sure if you have a teenager, they’re out doing who knows what these days….but I am sure that they will have DREAMED of having this course.
Whether you teach your kids, or whether you offer them this course, or not, your kids will learn lessons about money someday. Do you want them to learn the hard way or the easy way?
Give them the gift of financial literacy at a young age, the age you wish you learned personal finance. The earlier you start, the better.
In fact, did you know money habits begin before age seven? Yeah. When your kids are still counting how many bugs they caught in a jar. That’s when they instill money habits.
Start with basics at a very young age, encourage saving habits, be creative with ways they can earn money, teach them what to do when they get their first paycheck, help them understand true costs of buying their first car, show the value of giving, the understanding of opportunity cost, and how to invest and build generational wealth.
Oh wait. I did that all in this course for you.
Are you ready to give your kids the gift of financial literacy? If so, here you go: