Money & Neuro-Linguistic Programming
If you’re on a pursuit to wealth, then changing your language to more positive maxims will help you chart your way. That’s what Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is - a way for you to change your thoughts and behaviors to achieve a specific outcome. It is the basic language of our mind to engineer the results we want in life. In this case it could be wealth, debt freedom, financial independence. or D. All of the above.
There is a link between the structure of which you speak about money and the propensity of how you handle your money (budgeting, saving, investing, etc). And this isn’t some woo-woo bullshit. Hear me out.
Do you want to earn more money? I don’t know anyone who would answer “no.” And I’m sure if you were to audit your life, I’m almost certain that you’ve wanted to earn more money for a long time. If you’ve felt stuck for some time, you likely haven’t audited your mindset around money.
LeAnDrA, how do I audit my mindset?
Bring awareness to the core beliefs you have around money. Maybe you’re uncomfortable talking about it. Maybe you think money is evil, money is sacrifice, money is bad, money requires too much work, money is scarce, money is greed, money is hard to get, money is stressful.
Do you think the wealthiest 1% had these core beliefs around money? Maybe at some point. But their language & mindset around money had to pivot at some point for them to become wealthy.
Let me give you an example…
Ask yourself this question: What is stopping me from having money? Now stop for a second, because I actually don’t want you to answer that question.
Here’s why: If you read that question again, you may notice that a question like that may open up fears you have, emotions, conflict, doubts, past memories, or pain.
With that question, your answers could sound something like this:
Getting rich is too hard to do.
I didn’t grow up with money, so I can’t get it.
If I have too much money, people will look at me differently and treat me differently.
I’m afraid of working hard only to fail in the end.
I don’t deserve large sums of money.
I’m afraid money will change me.
If I have a lot of money, people will take advantage of me.
If I become wealthy, people will be less genuine and want me for my money.
Can you hear the limiting beliefs? It’s because that question is shit. According to NLP, having limiting beliefs, conscious or not, may be the single variable holding you back from having a life of opulence.
So what’s a better question? One that gives you empowering beliefs rather than limiting.
What does wealth look like for you?
Wealth looks like a life of abundance and giving back.
Wealth looks like preparing the next generation for financial success.
Wealth gives me time with my family and people who matter to me.
Answer that question for yourself. Don’t give yourself the right answer, give yourself the real answer. Because a person with these kinds of beliefs can truly have wealth, financial independence, debt freedom, etc.
And although this all sounds like sugar plum princess gum drops woo-woo. It’s not. In areas other than money, I’ve seen firsthand how making the conscious decision to change your thoughts and behaviors can change your life.
Your mind is more powerful and influential than you may think, as it has the ability to sabotage what you really covet in life.
Let me give you some credence
I grew up very poor. My Dad (not sure if that deserves a capital “D”), left when I was three years old. He stole our family car (under my mother’s name), racked up credit card debt (under my mother’s name), and wound up homeless.
My Mom (deserves the capital “M” with a crown) was an immigrant to the U.S., and unfortunately, she ended up filing bankruptcy, not once, but twice. She didn’t speak English very well to get a job, so she cleaned neighbor’s homes. We had weekly garage sales to put food on the table. The hustle never stopped.
Things didn’t get better for a long time. Until they did.
My Mom is a great example of someone who knew she deserved to be financially independent. She had every reason to believe that she didn’t. But rather than focusing on what she didn’t have, or being resentful for where she was, she made the conscious decision to not only be a Super Mom, but also a debt free, financially independent woman.
And that she is.
Abundance is not what she had, but it was her state of mind. Her language and mindset around money not only got her to where she is today, but it subsequently gave me an abundance mentality too.
Living in poverty, it’s easier to form a Depression era mentality. From there breeds the unconscious limiting beliefs that you will always struggle financially.
So what can you do?
Start with identifying your limiting beliefs around money. Once you’ve identified subconscious imprints, you can begin to shift your language around money and break down financial barriers. Hence, “linguistic” programming.
For example: “I’ll never have enough money” —> “Prosperity exists within me.”
Rather than thinking of things you don’t have, expand your mental frame a bit and focus more on what’s possible for you.
A little tip: when you talk about money, it should make you feel good. If it doesn’t feel good, try again.
Wealth is for you. Debt freedom is in your future. Financial independence is in your power.
Money moves. Now, reel it in.